Street Name Blade single Bracket

From: $39.02

The SNB 1 way is a two-piece bracket for mounting street blades to 50 or 65mm nominal bore poles and is for used installing single street name signs / blades. Top quality Signfix product. Choose your blade size. Used for dumbell or flat blades. First number is the height of the bracket, 2nd number is the NB pole size.

Note the 200mm 65mm nominal bore bracket is actually 170mm high. Takes the 200mm blade. Used to be called the 175-65

Note 2 The 150 high bracket actually measures 135mm


Street Name Blade single Bracket

SNB 1 Way Street Name Blade single Bracket. In addition to the 50mm Nominal bore pole size, we have them in the 65mm NB as well.
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